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Hi, I'm Ray...

I'm a professional problem solver & process development aficionado helping businesses streamline sales processes; effectively integrate internal teams; and create revenue-growing, customer-focused strategies.

Current & Previous Employers/Partners

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"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one"

Ex-magician, ex-musician, ex-substitute teacher, ex-collegiate soccer coach, and the best boyfriend.


I like to solve problems. Throughout my career, I have been driven to optimize business processes to ensure my customers are most benefited. From building robots to managing events to orchestrating unique dining experiences, I've played a leading role in managing relationships creating high customer retention, better team morale, and overall improved efficiency throughout. I'm responsible not only for managing the entire sales cycle but operations as well. 



"I have more connections than a box of legos..."

With my refined skill set, I bring customer-centric mindfulness that enables firms to innovate and thrive. That is what I have done throughout my career for clients such as Bank of America, Lowe's, GlaxoSmithKline, General Electric, and Made In Space. It is what I did providing industry-leading technology for brands like Disney, Maggianos, and the MLB. In addition, also recognized for my efforts in process improvement within my department and the company at large. I've also proven to have an exceptional understanding of my customers, having been nominated by them as the rep of the year.


  • Management Strategy
  • Sales Management
  • SaaS Implementation & Presentation
  • Marketing & Branding
  • Project Management
  • Customer, Partner, Vendor, & Client Relations
  • Process Improvements
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Customer Success Advocate

Open to New Opportunites & Available for Short-Term Consultations

Known for my exemplary customer service, resourcefulness, and process improvement within every company I've worked for/with. My name is something that is consistently and positively mentioned from the bullpen to the C-Suite because I don't do things half-ass. I make it known from the get-go, I'm here to excel and I'm also here to bring everyone along with me, and because I like and believe in your product, I’ll be able to deliver even better results for your company.


What people are saying

"He is humble, hungry, and smart. He is "The Ideal Team Player" and cares deeply about internal and external customers. He is curious and looks for ways to add value to every person and process. He leads with empathy and by example to develop relationships. He genuinely cares about the success of his team and customers."


Eric Frasure

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